Shell 'The Joy of Driving' Campaign

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Engage customers with Shell V-Power, Shell's premium performance and priced fuel through a win mechanic in conjunction with BMW (sponsor of Shell V-Power). Aim to increase sales of Shell’s premium petrol and diesel fuels. 
I wanted to move away from the usual Shell V-Power imagery of a cars blurred taillights and create something warmer more humanising, something the audience could engage with. Shell have to be very careful not to claim that their premium fuel will increase a cars performance. So instead they talk about it's cleaning properties - a better choice for your vehicle, but with a high price tag they struggle to convince customers driving regular non-performance vehicles of the benefits. 
With this in mind I came up with the concept of the Shell V-Power fuel giving customers a better journey on every trip, with a chance to win a great driving holiday (extra joy) as the prize for filling up. The line ‘Rediscover The Joy Of Driving' promotes this feeling of an enhanced journey with Shell V-Power.
The campaigns hero image of the little girl depicts the story of a carefree time out playing, one that most of us would have experienced. She's sat on a go-cart in a world of imagination; in her head the toy has become an F1 car, a rocket or even a moon explorer.
We wanted customers to recapture this joy of childhood journeys, by suggesting Shell V-Power will help deliver this experience.
The campaign had a great take up with increased sales of fuel and redemption of prizes. The client was particularly pleased with the copyline ‘rediscover the joy of driving’ which has been retained for future Shell V-Power campaigns.

Customer journey

Credit: HRG
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