I started my career as an illustrator having specialised in the subject during my degree in graphic design at Bristol. Soon after starting out I managed to get represented by Mieklejohn, at the time one of London's most respected illustration agencies and still going today although now relocated in Lewis.
Along with regular commissions from them for the likes big advertising agencies like AMVBBDO through Meiklejohn I also pounded the streets getting regular work from book publishers such as Pan and magazines like GQ. I even had the honour of creating a cover for a Peter Benchley novel (he of Jaws fame).
Over the years I 've continued to produce illustrations for Transport for London and Sainsbury's. These days its few and far between but illustration is something I'm always ready for should an opportunity arise.

Poster for Transport for London

East Ham for TFL camapaign

Plaistow for TFL camapaign

The Mill for TFL camapaign

Russian doll characters for Sophos

Whitbread Blackpool conference programme

The tower made of cutlery

One in a series of illustrations for Westminster Kingsway College